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Author : Sprintcars Speedweek
A cross selection of teams interested in competing in this year's 2024/2025 Sprintcar Speedweek will meet online with Promoters and Management of the five Speedweek venues this week.
The online discussion will feature a selection of teams who have indicated interest in competing in all rounds of the Speedweek to table a wide variety of topics.
"I think it's extremely important that the teams have a voice in Speedweek going forward," says Avalon Raceway's Jeff Drew, "these teams are heavily invested in the industry both financially, physically and mentally and their voices are important. Equally, we as the Promoters group need to put our opinions and point of view forward. We've needed to do this for some time and I'm excited about what will come from it now that we're sitting down to come up with some answers."
A broad range of topics will be on the table and discussed by eight team representatives (ranging from the drivers, crew chiefs and team owners) Tuesday night to share their points of view.
"It should be pointed out that the teams involved in the forum aren't all the teams," says Drew, "it's initially a get together from teams that represent different facets of the industry. We'll certainly be talking with more teams and drivers in the weeks ahead but this is a good starting point. With the five tracks promoting rounds and the cross section of teams we're talking with Tuesday I think we can work towards a balanced view going into 2024/2025 and beyond. It's an ecosystem. We need the teams, the teams need us, and we all need the fans."
Findings from the meeting will be streamlined and presented to all teams wishing to enter and contract to the Speedweek series as a whole.
More information will follow soon.