Author : Sprintcars Australia

The pilot of the Leigh-Smith Yachts NQ7 is sailing into the Titan Garages and Sheds 59th SCCA Australian Sprintcar Championship at Archerfield Speedway this Saturday and Sunday night as a major threat for victory.

Lockie McHugh is rapid at every place he turns up to.

This weekend is no different.

Having blitzed the Grand Annual Sprintcar Classic at Premier Speedway Warrnambool in January and then backed it up with a win over Jamie Veal in February driving the Domain Ramsay car McHugh’s confidence is at an all time high.

With that Charlie Garrett motor that could pull the bend out of a river and the right side pedal always crushed to the floor McHugh is a legitimate chance to join his famous Dad Jamie as an Australian titleholder.

Queensland teams have a big chance to lock the #1 inside the QLD border and leading that charge to take over custody of the number is Gold Coast’s Lockie McHugh.

The 59th running of the Titan Garages and Sheds SCCA Australian Sprintcar Championship is scheduled for Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1, 2022 at Archerfield Speedway Queensland.

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