South Aussie Speedway Hub
Author : Paris Charles

For you guys trying to keep out of the blistering heat there is lots of new years reading covering many different sections including Sprintcars, Super Sedans, Wingless Sprints, Speedcars, Bikes / Sidecars and AMCA Nationals, etc up loaded directly from Sprintcar World / Speedway Net websites to keep you updated with all things South Aussie!

SpeedwaySA1 also offers a full January Calendar featuring every venue in SA and also TV / media dates, etc and a photo gallery from the Christmas period of World Series Sprintcars Speedweek covering all the sections from Speedway City, Murray Bridge and Mount Gambier has been uploaded. As always these and other photos are available for sale so if you wish to order please contact me via e-mail.

SpeedwaySA1 is proudly powered by Hoolagators Diecast Models and supported by other great people who are investing their time and energy into South Australian Speedway so please support them and their business services where possible.

Membership to this South Aussie Speedway site is free so take the the time to join. News is updated daily so be sure to keep coming back for more news on a regular basis.

SA sections are encouraged to feed me updated news and race results and we are also happy to run media releases from any teams / PR people through the Sprintcar World / Speedway Net websites.

Please visit:

Cheers all,
Paris :)
[email protected]

Speedway SA1 - The online HUB here for everybody, because all Speedway is IMPORTANT!